This week was a matter of closing the last flaw in the design of the new scene system. In short I originally designed it around every parent node having its own set size, rather than having them expand to fill their children. This was workable but had various drawbacks once I started actually working with it. So the big change was the capacity to set parent node sizes based upon the size of their child layout. Since the system wasn’t designed for this there were numerous problems.
It’s all in now and working fine, if a little sketchy from not being designed for it. Most the week was spent on it. Implementing it wasn’t so bad, it was just a long series of new problems needing solutions cropping up the further I went into it. I don’t feel great about this time allocation. Next up is deciding whether to finish the remaining UI widgets or to convert the rest of the game to the new system. I’d personally prefer doing the conversion first so I can take a break on the UI and start testing out the new gameplay ideas. But it’s a risky choice if UI widgets end up requiring changing something fundamental. I’ll probably do it anyway since I’m sick to death of UI at this point, and anything requiring massive changes seems unlikely.
Meanwhile recent AMD drivers broke part of the game’s visuals and I am currently in a waiting game of deciding whether AMD, the library we use for rendering, or myself will end up fixing it. I’m guessing it won’t be AMD, but the game is far enough away that I can afford to wait and see.