Yep. Still planning it. I haven’t planned this thoroughly since the start of the project. Which well. The code from that phase of the project is also one of the few parts I don’t have a constant desire to re-write so. Maybe not the worst idea. What I worry about is the timeĀ the planning is taking. Could I not use it more efficiently? Could I not jump to some other, different task when I get stuck on some problem in planning? I worry about this way more while planning than when I’m actually coding for some reason, even though I have roughly the same flow there.
I’m still solving problems that I’d have to solve while coding the thing, except here I have the leisure of adjusting things to fit. I’m actually thinking about taking it even further than I was initially going to, just to see if it makes the process of implementing the thing trivially fast. But man do I want to get back to the real, unsolved problems I have sitting on my plate.