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9/29/13 published on

Well the core functionality for NodeActions is done. Nodes, SubNodes, all that jazz. It took way longer than my initial estimates, but on the flip side the next task- Node Generation- seems like it’s going to take way less time than my estimates feared! What I’m trying to say here is that the mounting evidence that programmers are incapable of producing accurate estimates is undeniable.

Let’s talk about the simple things in life. Initially I was thinking about having all SubNodes being generated equally- ie, just pulled randomly from the entire pool. This obviously sucks for some higher logic stuff of balancing out the placement of different types of SubNodes. The solution was mercifully simple, though. I already had a SubNode classification system in place for doing stuff like “Don’t place healing fountains too close to town” and suchlike. All I had to do was hijack the classification system to be where generation starts from, allow it to have its own generation constraints (you remember those from a few weeks back? they say stuff like “only spawn 5 of these”), and as a result we get a beautiful and elegant little system arising out from a small gap in my earlier thought process. It looks like this:

  1. You have a category of “Utility” SubNodes. These SubNodes provide beneficial services to players.
  2. We can then have GenerationConstraints that apply to the “Utility” category:
    • Don’t spawn too close to a town (hardly beneficial when the player is already next to an existing healing spot)
    • Don’t spawn too close to a dungeon (because too much convenience)
    • Spawn 1-2 in each difficulty rank (provides some variance, don’t want too many or it’ll dilute their positional value)
    • Don’t spawn too close to another “Utility” SubNode.
  3. From there an individual SubNode can have its own GenerationConstraints. For example let us consider a quest SubNode that will end up spawning a healing fountain upon completion:
    • Spawn it in the “Easy/Medium” areas of a given rank (so the players have plenty of time to do the quest while the fountain will still be useful)
    • Spawn only one per game

Simple, but allows for a great deal of stacking complexity.

I should probably just get rid of titles and put the date in the title field

I should probably just get rid of titles and put the date in the title field published on

Once again there’s not a whole lot to talk about. I could talk about wanting to add a certain feature ended up in forcing me to revise the way something worked in a significantly better way which then made it totally trivial to implement the feature. I could talk about how once you get down to implementing things you start to realize little details you hadn’t considered, like whether players should be allowed to use a node action again when they still haven’t finished its associated quest (the answer is: it depends!). But there’s not a whole lot of room for any significant discourse on this stuff. It’s all about filling in the blanks, like so much of programming after you’ve gained your legs. And I don’t have a whole lot of battle design to talk about. So I guess I’m just rambling this week?

As I’ve worked on these NodeActions I’ve started to get more hopeful that this is the right direction for the game to go in. Won’t know for sure until there’s pudding to get proof from. But the other day I rambled about roguelikes to someone. A roguelike’s random terrain actually isn’t that interesting- the only thing that matters most of the time are choke points. What matters about roguelike random generation are the objects placed within. The raw variety of each type, the variance in how a given object can react to different things, the increasing number of options an object gives to a player, etc. Ideally each object adds several new choices to a situation, and the resulting mixture of objects adds even more permutations of choice to the mix.

This game isn’t really a roguelike, but I’m hoping a similar principle applies to our maps. By giving each node more options we’re creating a more interesting play field, especially if we can get the options to interact together in interesting ways.

Big Bosses

Big Bosses published on

Progress is moving fairly smoothly on the node action system. Slowly. But smoothly. Sometimes you get so wrapped up in a thing that you forget where you are. Barring further major re-designs, this node action system is basically the last major piece of functionality that will need to be added. Lots of additional minor systems, stability, refactoring, etc will still remain, for sure, but this is possibly the last major thing! That’s exciting. But there’s not that much to discuss there. So let’s talk about battles.

Random battles are a tricky subject in every RPG. The best that they’ve been done is as an optimization problem- the player seeks out a way to end the battle as quickly as possible using as few resources as possible. Once the optimal battle solution is found the player will stick to the routine except (in a particularly well made game) when circumstances require them to do otherwise- expend more of one type of resource (MP/Items) to get out of it faster to spare a more precious resource (HP). If a game has an exceptional amount of luck added to it, the player is still optimizing as best they can within the luck- doing their best to understand the potential costs associated with a given battle. This is inevitable to any game revolving around throwing the same scenario at the player again and again in a system that is determined entirely by rigid digital choices. Things start to go sour in such a system when a battle is thrown at the player too frequently relative to the number of times it takes to fully optimize it. Repeating the same optimal attack pattern can get tiring very quickly.

The problem I’ve been facing with battles stems primarily from one thing: non-boss battles need to be done in 2 turns to keep up the game speed fluid, which means I need to find a way to make a 2 turn battle interesting. An endeavor which has been largely hopeless unless you vastly expand or otherwise mess with the pool of available options per turn (ie, shuffling them like a deck of cards or something).

Which I guess leads to an inevitable conclusion: Why not drop the regular battles entirely and just use the saved time for more boss battles where the turn count is high enough to allow for strategy? Hitting the resource consumption part of regular battles has always been shaky in this game since even regular battles can’t occur often enough to really drain the player all that much. It’s even worse in terms of stopping players from entering areas too high for them- at the moment I’ve been using a clumsy hack that dramatically increases the encounter rate in areas that are too high for a player to create a “are you even strong enough for this place?” check. Instead it may be better to abstract the resource drain of random battles entirely to just happening. I don’t know the exact form of this abstraction- a simple HP drain + exp gain per tile walked might be ok, but there’s probably something more interesting to do it with. It’s a good line of inquiry to start walking down.

Data Entry

Data Entry published on

Much of this week was spent transplanting the planning for node actions from text to the format that our graphical editor works with. Not a difficult task. From there I’ve begun to put meat on those bones, make the data mean something. But nothing is all that functional just yet.

We seem to have inadvertently fallen into themes for each year of working on this. The first year was thematically, “to get all of the basic systems working together”. The second year (this year) has been thematically, “to make the game good”. The third year will likely look like, “to finish the game, and to try to sell it”.

We’ve been holding off on any publicity for a number of reasons. The game just isn’t there visually, there’s still all kinds of temporary art floating around. Significant portions of it still don’t even have mock ups. Much fun as it is to blame Sew’s limited available time, another factor is our slightly excessive perfectionism. We’re on, what, the fifth version of the walking sprites? It might all pay off in the end. It might be irrelevant.

The other factor is that the game itself hasn’t all been there. Even now I’m still making fundamental changes to how it all works. We’ve had a rough draft for awhile now, but it isn’t good enough. The harsh realities of game overpopulation is that the scant few players you can get to try it the first time need to be blown away by the first few minutes of the game if you want any hope of them spreading the word. Marketing and game quality are a balance: the weaker one is, the more the other has to compensate.

So those are our goals for this year: to get it all together enough to start the Sisyphean journey that is marketing. To have enough art done that it doesn’t look incompetent. To have the game concrete enough that you can tell someone what it’s about in confidence that it won’t change the next day.

The Best Laid Plans

The Best Laid Plans published on

This week was largely about planning for the Node Action System. The nuts and bolts of it. Planning actually tends to be the most agitating parts of this project. The simple reality is that just stopping and making sure everything makes sense together can feel like a waste of time in a project that isn’t moving fast enough. In addition to that, having no other programmers around to bounce ideas off of makes the process take significantly longer. If there’s a single department where I feel the limitations of working solo hurt the most, it’s the planning. You just don’t get the wider perspective, or a second check for blind spots. Let’s take a look at how the planning thought process went.

We already know what Node Actions are: a list of actions the player chooses from when ending their turn on a node. We already know that they can come from the node itself, sub-nodes, and quest objectives. The question remained, what systems actually handle executing them. It just so happened that we have a system built entirely around executing an arbitrary number of actions with the capacity to freely branch as needed in the quest system. So sure enough, just run the relevant quest when a player selects an action. If it’s created by a quest objective, then it needs to merely mark that objective as a success.

While the quest system can do many things, counting the number of times it has been ran wasn’t really one of them. So elements like having an action only usable a finite number of times, or only usable every so many turns was best pushed into the NodeAction system itself. Through this process of considering “what can a NodeAction do?”, a new idea was born for passive NodeActions. Essentially sub-nodes that have a chance of occurring instead of the action the player selected. This allows for the idea of potential “traps” that can trigger when selecting actions on certain tiles to create a sense of risk in using certain nodes, as well as potential rewards for investing actions heavily on a given node.

With the NodeAction system fairly fleshed out, it came time to consider the consequences. Nodes, sub-nodes needed to be defined with what actions they bring to the table. When defining nodes a question arose: how does the generator know where to put these things? A pretty simple system came out of that: GenerationConstraints. Essentially each node would have a list of GenerationConstraints that specify where they could and could not be placed. GenerationConstraints come in a variety of flavors: stock constraints specify that only so many of a node type can be generated in each section (only one healing fountain per rank), distance constraints specify that nodes can only be generated when so far or so close from another node type (don’t put the healing fountain too close to town), etc. This system doesn’t quite solve everything since Warp, Blockade, Dungeon nodes and so on require very specific positioning in the world, but they’re easily enough hard coded into the terrain generation where they belong since they’re primarily part of the layout.

The last bit of consequences stem from the fact that the quest system now needs to be able to interact with the new node systems. You might want a quest to spawn a new subnode as a reward, decimate some forest nodes for the villain to make a point, and so forth. Nothing particularly interesting about the process though, just outlining the required new actions and how they work.

Most of the planning is complete, so we’ll see how the actual execution goes next week.


A nice little problem fell out of this planning: turn order. It’s a hot topic in board games, with authors adding all sorts of systems to try to mitigate first or last player advantages: shuffling turn order, letting players purchase a sooner order with various mechanics, giving certain advantages on last turns to mitigate first turn advantages, and so on. The problem arises here with node actions that have a timer before they can be used again. The natural inclination is to set such a timer to however many rounds- rounds being a full cycle of player turns. But doing so makes it so that the timer always refreshes on the turn of the player who last used it- making it trivial for them to “camp” an action. There’s a few possible solutions to this: Make it so that the timer ends exactly one turn after the player who used it last (but that’s kind of abusive), make the timer specific to each player (but that removes player interaction), don’t care and inherently give an advantage to “the first player who uses it”, and probably many others. I haven’t really decided yet. Will probably just experiment with them in action as the game progresses.

A day in the life of a bug fix or: the escalating ramifications of underestimation

A day in the life of a bug fix or: the escalating ramifications of underestimation published on

The Bug: Clearing a “defeat monster” solo/party-exclusive quest objective during someone else’s turn who is not in your party ends up not crediting the kill.

A solo objective basically specifies that only the quest owner can fulfill it. The battle system doesn’t restrict players based on its originating quest. So the possible solutions:

  1. If someone completes someone else’s solo objective on their turn, it still gives credit exclusively to the quest owner.
  2. If someone completes someone else’s solo objective, it counts as progress for the owner but the reward goes to the person who completed it
  3. Just don’t let people into a battle if they don’t own it or aren’t in the party of the owner.

1 opens an exploit for players to deliberately not finish their solo quest battles in hopes of forcing some other sap to do it for them. 2 defeats the entire point of having player-exclusive quests. So 3 was clearly the solution to go for.

But it opened up a new problem: if the quest owner of a party quest (a quest restricted to the owner and other players in his party) died in combat, the remaining party members would be able to kill the monster without actually owning the quest. The solution to this problem is to boot out the remaining players from the battle should the quest owner of the battle perish. A little excessive in current builds, but will be plenty manageable in the future when the bleed out system of having X turns to use a revival item on a dead player is added.

A relatively simple addition from this issue was that if a player tried to engage in a solo battle with a party, the party needed to be disbanded before starting the battle.

The original design was to strictly have one battle per tile- largely to allow NPCs to be effective roadblocks even mid-combat. But with fairly radically changes to the way maps function that purpose had largely become irrelevant. With battles now having quest restrictions on them it became quite clear that there needs to be multiple battles per tile simply to prevent multiple quest battles from overriding each other. Adding such support was fairly extensive, including revising the battle join menus to ask the player which battle they even want to join. Along the way usability enhancements were made that didn’t exist before: listing the battles happening on a tile when hovering over it, identifying what quest a given NPC is associated with, and directly indicating whether a quest is solo, party, or global restricted.

It was quite the bug. Though it was less bug and more insufficient consideration of the implications of certain systems interacting together.


Dependency published on

This week’s big issue revolved around zone pathways. Last week I showed off this theoretical image of how to place zones in a grid, but offset the position of the node to create an illusion of breaking up the grid:





(it’s worth noting that the top middle witch hut isn’t actually a valid position in this image)


As it turns out, actually competently generating this is something of a chore.







Red lines represent the different points that roads can come from.








In this system locations are composed of 3×3 tile squares, with a single tile buffer between them  (4×4 and up aren’t really viable due to tile size relative to screen size). Being a grid, there can be one roadway coming in on each side. Our road system isn’t sophisticated: the presence of a two road tiles next to each automatically connects them- no independent roads that are adjacent but going in different directions. The ultimate goal is to place the node (a town, a dungeon, etc) in a location such that every roadway uses it as the crossroads so that the pathways between zones are visually clear to the player: therefore each roadway must not touch another or it will create a second crossroads. With only one or two roadways, the position of the node can be anywhere within the grid. Once you hit 3 roadways, certain node positions are impossible relative to the roadway positions. At 4, every roadway needs to directly intersect.










The problem this creates is interdependence between every zone. A zone with only 2 connections, one of which has 4 connections, must place one of its roadways based on what the 4 connection wants. With enough 3/4 connection zones present, it ends up with a fairly uniform placement despite the effort to do otherwise. It’s also a pain to process when altering one zone can have ramifications on all of the others.

So I dropped it. Because it’s not that important relative to the amount of work it was going to take. And went for total uniformity:







It looks alright. It’s also slightly more readable than the version with offsets. There may come a time to improve the look of it. That time isn’t now.

Map Readability

Map Readability published on

So this week we got to do a play test for the first time in several months. Play tests are probably one of the few morale boosts this team has, one of the big advantages of making a multiplayer game. I also noted that my productivity went up like crazy the day before the test because I wanted to fix up various things before hand. It’s always hard to artificially make dead lines for yourself that feel real, but scheduled weekly tests are surprisingly effective at it. The core focus of this test was to see how the new zone movement felt in action. I was a little worried about doing it before the new quest systems were added since the old system is pretty incongruent with the new zone movement. Nonetheless I think we got some important feedback on the movement itself.

Sew was confused about zone movement throughout the test (actually, pretty much everyone was, including myself). So much so that he actually created metaphor of country borders for zones so that he could understand them more easily (which is actually a pretty great way to explain concept):



And really, who wouldn’t be just look at this mess:


For awhile we assumed that it was largely an art issue- a big ol’ jumble of objects not intended for this purpose. Sew had even mocked up an example of a better way to display them:



But Sew found that even with a simple mock up of color coded zones the layouts were still a jumbled mess to interpret. Even besides being messy he also had a feeling of exploration not being as satisfying as it was in the old system (even though the discovery system of not revealing a zone’s connections should have improved it over all). The only thing he could point to on the feeling was that maybe the zone walls made it feel claustrophobic. I suspected that the readability was actually the problem- it’s hardly satisfying to grope around a space that you don’t really understand the physicality of. He then suggested perhaps moving to a node/road system:



Back during the zone planning I had considered switching to such a system. In fact, the zone system was even  going to be retrofit to adopt it. But that turned out to be unfeasible due to the nature of 4 directional roads contradicting zones supporting many more connections than just 4. The zone system would either have to be awkwardly forced to stick to certain connection limits, or (for better results) scrapped entirely with a new style of generator. So I went with the existing zone system, figuring that adjacent blobs would be more readable than having to trace complicated roadways anyway.

I told Sew that I thought such a system still had readability problems from the complicated roads with multiple crossroads with a cost of 1. He then inquired about how I felt about board game style movement, which the node/road system is very similar to. My thought that such games might look complicated to read, but are actually very simple to navigate since there’s only a hand full of points where the player make an actual movement choice, and most of the time they’re forced down a specific route. It was at that point when I realized where the actual problem was at: most board games either use very limited choose-a-branch movement or a direct grid. And the reason for that is readability: in either case players can take a quick look at the map and infer the distance between points without ever having to trace pathways- with a pure grid it’s as simple as the distance between points.

So it has become clear that I’ve been trying too hard with the idea of naturalistic map generation (that largely looks the same in execution anyway- a big mess). The solution I’ve come up to address the problem is to effectively snap zones to a grid of squares. So while in essence the game map is just a tile based grid (with zones acting as very big “jumbo” tiles), the tiles within the zone allow for some internal variety to create an illusion that it isn’t as much of a grid as it looks. Here’s an example of a map operating off of a 3×3 grid:








The graveyard is at the center of the grid, even though it may not look like it is since it’s placed at a far right offset within its zone. With this set up we hopefully combine the readability of a grid with the visual allure of a landscape. Sew’s happy that it doesn’t rely on walls or biome tiles. I’m happy that it’s the simplest thing to convert the existing generator into. We’ll find out whether it actually works next week!


Queues published on

This week continued the revisions on existing systems to support zone based movement. There were two “big things” this week. The first was revising the movement system itself to better support traps and battles. The old system worked on a tile-by-tile basis. The new system works on a point-to-point basis (Starting Zone->Point Between Zones->Point Between Zones->Ending zones), so step-by-step triggers didn’t really apply so much. I had to alter it fairly dramatically by giving it a master movement controller that directed the entities to stop on zone transitions when further processing is required (ie, for traps), and to cancel queued movement and stop at the nearest zone (for random battles). In general the system is better built now, even if I have to revert to tile-by-tile movement later. (Such is the code mantra of this project: it’s easier to spot bad code after the fact, so improve it the next time you have to touch it.)

The other big thing was that the central turn processor had devolved into a messy 200 line function glob of gunk (a single function was valid design choice when it started, but much less so after its responsibilities had grown), which made it rather difficult to add multiple moves per turn into. It was chopped up into distinct states, and I found several spots where bugs I hadn’t yet tracked down were almost certainly stemming from and were fixed just from the new design itself.

The next big thing on the horizon is adjusting the quest system for the new zone based movement. Tile walking distance no longer holds much meaning, so it’s mostly just the location finder that needs alteration, as well as the design of a few quests that called for multiple towns. Hopefully next week we can resume regular play testing.



Context published on

There was a point several months ago when I was building the quest system for the game and I noticed that all of the objectives I was making were pretty bland (the quest scripting system is comprised of objectives and actions- things a player needs to do, and the actions that happen when they do them). Go there. Kill that. And so on. It brought me back to when I was looking at randomly generated quests in another game and I immediately dismissed it as silly, since they were reduced to “Bring me <x> of <y>”. Which cuts to the point: the objectives of quests in RPGs have ALWAYS been silly things that happen to fit into the game part. Even your most story heavy RPG out there still boils down to “clear this dungeon to hit the next plot beat”. What makes a quest interesting isn’t the objectives themselves, but the context that you’re doing them in.

It’s a pretty obvious statement, but apparently I had to remind myself of it. When I was in a rush to write the existing sample quest I made some pretty obvious mistakes. There’s several plot beats where the players have to go somewhere to get some information. The places end up not mattering to the main plot arc. Sometimes they were short stories in of themselves, but not always. It took me a little bit to realize why they felt so off: because they were irrelevant to the primary story. Many of the existing side quests had similar problems, of me slipping into a mode of being sarcastic and dead inside and making them simple chores with excuses instead of tiny little stories.

It’s an easy thing to forget. And it’s not always just from the context not being present. MMORPGs have suffered from this for years: partially because they’re multiplayer, partially because there’s too many quests to make them all interesting, partially because players have no power over the world, and partially from how they deliver context. Take a look at the current standard for MMORPG quest dialogs, the World of Warcraft “here’s a bunch of text in a small scrolling window with an easy access button for accept so you can quickly and conveniently completely ignore it”. It makes no effort to simulate a conversation. It’s built so you can easily skip it. There is no need to read it because any required information has been folded into an automated system. It is only there to theoretically please the segment of the audience that demands it.

So I guess you want to know how the code is going. It’s going pretty good. You can walk around node style and such like now, but nuances like how traps and battles are triggered requires further work since the original system wasn’t made for how it works here.