With 9 weeks (including last week), and reducing the Things To Do Before Year End to 25 creates a desired schedule of doing roughly 3 things a week. I did 4 this week (close to 5!) so I am technically ahead of schedule. But when you factor in that I started with some of the easier goals and that I probably forgot things that also need to get done, I ain’t getting comfortable with this schedule yet. The list is composed entirely of changing existing systems rather than building new ones so I don’t expect any single item to take longer than one week. But 3 a week is still pretty ambitious. I’ll need to build up a bigger lead this week.
So I was sitting down to work on one of the items on the list, dividing it up into sub-tasks that needed to get done. And it was looking pretty gnarly, having to add significant new parts to make it work. Then one of the greatest pleasures occurred: I figured out an alternate way to do it that was both easier to build and significantly more interesting to play with. Words don’t really describe how good it felt. And I probably never would have thought of it if it weren’t for a deadline pressing in on me. Limitations, man, limitations.
I’ve been worrying about having stat bonuses/penalties with classes. Outside of classes players can have theoretically equivalent stats from buying the same equipment. Then, classes largely introduce new options and ideal directions to players rather than direct advantages. But having some classes sacrifice options for greater power in remaining options seems potentially too powerful since players have a total of 3 class choices- losing a few options with one or two of them isn’t a huge deal when your other classes can make up for it. Might have to stick to stat penalties. Or bonuses and penalties.