The final touches on nodes continues to roll along smoothly. The next week or two might be the last, the only major thing is to add quest actions/objectives for them. Though quite a bit still remains to be refined in the system. The process of adding new functionality to multiple pieces of older code was mercifully not that bad. Far from perfect. I have a lot to say about the flaws of the current code base and what I need to do to raise the quality. It’s mostly that certain pieces expect far too much work to be done on the end of who’s calling them, rather than themselves. But today isn’t the day for it.
What I’m really starting to think about these days is constructing the final design document. The design doc that brings the whole thing together, takes every component into account and ties it together as a proper game. The omega design doc. The more I think about it, the more it’s clear that this design doc won’t be made in a single sitting in a game-less vacuum. More than likely it will be constructed over several drafts. Each subsequent draft will be derived from the results of prototyping parts of the last. It won’t be long before the time to write the first draft is upon me. Starting with a simple but strong core will likely be the direction for it.