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March 29th, 2015

March 29th, 2015 published on

Somehow this week turned into even more extended testing. We’re at the point now where the testers have nearly run out of things to break. Was probably for the best, I have a firmer grasp on the current feel of the game.

The other big thing has been changing up how I store my notes/todos, largely because my current format ceased to be useful Let’s take a brief tour of the history of my planning practices:

Design Docs

The start of my using documentation for work was with game design docs. Something I started doing very early on, probably because I read about it somewhere. My design docs essentially act as overviews that describe what a game is, both to clarify it for myself and to easily get team members up to date on what a game is. I rarely get into specific details or numbers in these overviews, as those are better suited for separate, dedicated documents. I imagine if you had a larger team maintaining the overview on a constant basis would be necessary to keep everyone on the same page, but at my scale I tend to discard them once the game is fully functional.


At some point future ideas, responses to tester feedback, bugs to fix, and just generally detailing and ordering future work became too much for me to store in my head anymore, and I started writing simple text documents that consisted of long lists of things to do. Eventually one document became too small, and I started making multiple (generally for different subsets of a project).

Work Notes

From the todos evolved work notes. Essentially documents where I type the process I use to get something done. In many ways these things act the same as talking out a problem to another person: if you have to describe your current problem outside of your head you often find ways to solve it in the process of describing it. Another common component of these is listing all the solutions for a problem and comparatively deciding the best course of action.

There are many other benefits besides problem solving, though. It becomes extremely easy to get back to work after a break because it just requires re-reading where you left off in your thought process. If something fails later on and I need to find out why something is the way it is, my old notes often have the answer (admittedly this shouldn’t be necessary most of the time, but it’s a good back up). It’s a habit I picked up specifically for this project, and it’s incredibly helpful.

Wiki / Trello

For awhile we tried to maintain a living design doc in the form of a wiki. It really didn’t work out. It generated a lot of maintenance overhead (any time you changed something, you needed to restate it in the wiki). It also didn’t serve much purpose when there’s just the two of us. I probably underestimate how useful some of that maintenance work can be in the long run, though.

Later on we adopted Trello as a shared todo list to keep us up to date on what the other was doing. In retrospect this is a dumb idea for two people who can just as easily tell each other what they’re doing. Nonetheless, I converted my old todo entries into the task format. There were some real benefits to being able to assign hefty work notes to each task, and seeing percents creep up while working was pretty neat. That said, it’s honestly not made for the bulk of tasks I have since you can only really see 5 or so tasks in a list clearly with it. I have over 80 tasks registered to it right now, so casually browsing the list became impossible. Older tasks just ended up sinking further and further into the background since the nature of the list encouraged keeping the most recent items more visible. It resulted in me creating a lot of duplicate tasks later on, ignoring my old notes on each subject.

What I needed was something with similar organizational capacity for notes, but with a better large overview so that I could see all of the tasks by casually skimming. I basically decided something with a tree view would be appropriate.


There aren’t actually a ton of note taking programs with tree views out there. I eventually settled on wikid which is basically a personal wiki that displays the links in the wiki in tree format. Not quite as easy to manipulate the tree as I’d like, but it has benefits like being able to link related tasks together and the ability to tag tasks (ie, based on priority) and then view the list that way.

I’m still in the process of converting all my old notes to this new format, but so far it seems immediately apparent that this is a much better way to organize this stuff. Since it’s basically just a text editor, I can effectively store my work notes using it as well which will make back referencing them easier later on.


This whole process serves a second purpose which is that my main goal here is to decide what still needs to go in the game, and what doesn’t need to go in the game anymore. I also need to come up with any unplanned additions that need to happen. It’s a long process, but this is the best time to sort all this stuff out before making the final push.

Map Readability

Map Readability published on

So this week we got to do a play test for the first time in several months. Play tests are probably one of the few morale boosts this team has, one of the big advantages of making a multiplayer game. I also noted that my productivity went up like crazy the day before the test because I wanted to fix up various things before hand. It’s always hard to artificially make dead lines for yourself that feel real, but scheduled weekly tests are surprisingly effective at it. The core focus of this test was to see how the new zone movement felt in action. I was a little worried about doing it before the new quest systems were added since the old system is pretty incongruent with the new zone movement. Nonetheless I think we got some important feedback on the movement itself.

Sew was confused about zone movement throughout the test (actually, pretty much everyone was, including myself). So much so that he actually created metaphor of country borders for zones so that he could understand them more easily (which is actually a pretty great way to explain concept):



And really, who wouldn’t be just look at this mess:


For awhile we assumed that it was largely an art issue- a big ol’ jumble of objects not intended for this purpose. Sew had even mocked up an example of a better way to display them:



But Sew found that even with a simple mock up of color coded zones the layouts were still a jumbled mess to interpret. Even besides being messy he also had a feeling of exploration not being as satisfying as it was in the old system (even though the discovery system of not revealing a zone’s connections should have improved it over all). The only thing he could point to on the feeling was that maybe the zone walls made it feel claustrophobic. I suspected that the readability was actually the problem- it’s hardly satisfying to grope around a space that you don’t really understand the physicality of. He then suggested perhaps moving to a node/road system:



Back during the zone planning I had considered switching to such a system. In fact, the zone system was even  going to be retrofit to adopt it. But that turned out to be unfeasible due to the nature of 4 directional roads contradicting zones supporting many more connections than just 4. The zone system would either have to be awkwardly forced to stick to certain connection limits, or (for better results) scrapped entirely with a new style of generator. So I went with the existing zone system, figuring that adjacent blobs would be more readable than having to trace complicated roadways anyway.

I told Sew that I thought such a system still had readability problems from the complicated roads with multiple crossroads with a cost of 1. He then inquired about how I felt about board game style movement, which the node/road system is very similar to. My thought that such games might look complicated to read, but are actually very simple to navigate since there’s only a hand full of points where the player make an actual movement choice, and most of the time they’re forced down a specific route. It was at that point when I realized where the actual problem was at: most board games either use very limited choose-a-branch movement or a direct grid. And the reason for that is readability: in either case players can take a quick look at the map and infer the distance between points without ever having to trace pathways- with a pure grid it’s as simple as the distance between points.

So it has become clear that I’ve been trying too hard with the idea of naturalistic map generation (that largely looks the same in execution anyway- a big mess). The solution I’ve come up to address the problem is to effectively snap zones to a grid of squares. So while in essence the game map is just a tile based grid (with zones acting as very big “jumbo” tiles), the tiles within the zone allow for some internal variety to create an illusion that it isn’t as much of a grid as it looks. Here’s an example of a map operating off of a 3×3 grid:








The graveyard is at the center of the grid, even though it may not look like it is since it’s placed at a far right offset within its zone. With this set up we hopefully combine the readability of a grid with the visual allure of a landscape. Sew’s happy that it doesn’t rely on walls or biome tiles. I’m happy that it’s the simplest thing to convert the existing generator into. We’ll find out whether it actually works next week!