Forty to Zero
This has not been a great week for art. That awesome feeling I had last Sunday sure did end quickly. My assumption that the way I was animating the heroes was what was making it look awful may have been a little misplaced, and it may just be me that’s messing this up. I resigned around Wednesday that I just need a break from the animation for a bit to help wrap my head around it better and decided to try drawing some other things for the project, all of which were a frustrating flop. If I was smarter I would have realized it was useless early on and not pushed myself into the super frustrated corner I am in now. But I didn’t.
I spent the free-time I had yesterday night and this morning/afternoon revisiting animation with Spine again but continue to be frustrated with it. I love the program, I am sure that getting a license for it is the correct direction to go, I am just having one hell of a time proving that to myself with a finished product. Getting an animation out is my top priority right now, so why is this so hard for me?
I need a moment to decompress.