Free Form All

Every post on this blog looks depressingly similar.


I spent a lot of time messing with Free Form Deformation this week. I was going to put it off until later since we can’t currently implement it into the engine, but after thinking about it I realized I could cut down on my art load by a hefty amount if done correctly. I managed pretty well, I think!



Lots of little edits, like the butt lines up way better and doesn’t me sad anymore. But the important thing is that I used FFD to remove the second foot I was swapping with. So now I just have one foot that is manipulated in the frames it needs to be, instead of swapping with a whole new one. This will save me a ton of a time, but not because of the base itself. The real test was making sure I could manipulate an actual shoe the same way (though I couldn’t do that easily until I was using the same base foot consistently too)



Very excited! So now everything has to be drawn once, as opposed to me drawing each shoe 4 times. As far as the rest of the animation goes, lots of changes made. Still tweaking the arms and I could probably keep tweaking them all night, but I decided to stop for now and call it good. Easy to fix later and I’m very eager to start on my idles so I can go hide in the magical land of drawing monsters.