Knab, Og

I’ve put aside UI work for a bit until Hawk is fully ready prepared to work on it with me. It seemed like better choice to work on it at the same time than to prepare a bunch of stuff and then have to go back and edit it all. It’s also hard to work on certain parts of the UI when we aren’t completely sure what going to be getting cut or heavily altered. Instead I jumped back into Spine, where I belong.


So I had forgotten to properly skin my animations in Spine. I thought I did, but I totally set it up wrong. I went back through and tried to adjust my existing animations with skins properly, but spin kept crashing on me because it hates meshes being added to a skin slot. Or.. hates them being added after the fact. I haven’t been able to pinpoint the bug exactly, but submitted what I do know about it either way. Using the skin feature also requires me to slightly re-evaluate the clutter in spine in regards to attachments. I have it down in theory and have made some example projects. Bone->Attachment->SkinPlaceHolder->[name.png], which is pretty much the structure on how it is now. I can’t use skins for the clothes though since I can only view one skin at a time. I’m thinking of going with Male/Female skins, but yet at the same time, it might be more worth it to do male/female as separate projects. In that, I could have all of a certain outfit as a skin. That approach loses me the ability to ‘easily’ see mixing and matching of clothing pieces though. The way it is now, I have to turn on the individual pieces myself to view an outfit.. decisions.


Other than messing with that, I haven’t really done a whole lot this week. Been fairly stressed about some things and just. Wanting to take the rest of the weekend easy so I don’t blow another gasket.