The terrible task of Meshing and Skinning. Skinning, different than Skins. Skins are what let me swap between male and female with just a click, while Skinning allows me to set vertex weights to different bones than the ones they are attached to. First I have to figure out where my vertices need to go.
This part isn’t really very straight forward. It all makes sense to me, but getting it to work a practical way that is useful takes some time and tweaking. I have used to have to manually edit my vertexes during an animation to make up for gaps in the art. This is super common on hard joints like the elbows and knees. With Skinning set up properly though, the vertices fix themselves automatically. I had to mess with it a lot to figure it out and get it to work how we need it to since there is no documentation on it right now. My first real task we trying to recreate all of our old animations as best I could.
“Run animation” Needs some tweakin’
“Lance attack” I dunno, it was there.
“Attack2”. Would be more impressive with a sword or something in hand, yeah?
They all need little tweaks here n’ there. The exciting part for me is that I did all of those animations in one day. The majority of my week was spent Meshing and Skinning. I even made a few walking animations that I know we don’t need. The only important rough that is lacking is an idle animation. That is on me not really know what to do with it, though..
I also made some other important decisions!
It’s all pretty well explained there in my letter to Hawk, but doing this will save another large chunk of time, as I won’t have to recreate an entire skeleton and animation for soul purpose of just having clothes mirror properly. Rejoice!
I’m having to be very careful and very organized when it comes to costuming so I don’t confuse myself and makes thing needlessly convoluted. This is a part that isn’t a big deal to anyone but me, probably. Everything is very organized, it’s just that there is so much of it, it can seem like clutter.
There are actually 5 more normal bones not listed here.. lolz?
The slots will never change (though I may need to add a few more depending). The attachments are what I really have to make sure stay in check. They need a proper naming convention, probably just GENDER_SETNAME-ITEM, like FEMALE_SPORTY-LEFT_UPPER_ARM, or something I can glance at easily. Luckily, each set (South/East) are hot-keyed so I can toggle the entire thing on or off when I need to easily. Thankyouspine.
Before I can sign off on it though I need to run a quick test just to make sure my outfit theory is good..
Hey, it is.